Love, Light & Peace Prayer

My phone chimes to let me know I have a call. It's a friend I haven't spoken to in months. I answer the phone, "Hey There!"

I hear sobbing.  There's a long pause. And the sounds of a crushed spirit.

"Oh Sweetie. Just feel it. I'm here."

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"It's just..." And the confession erupts in a few staccato words...  And the sounds of a heart breaking come out of this little phone in my hand.

"The doctor thinks it's cancer."
"My Mom...  she's driving me crazy."
"I'm pregnant. And he's left me."
"I got fired. I don't know what to do."
"We broke up. This hurts so much"
"He's in jail. I'm so scared."
"I have to get a divorce. I don't know how to do this."
"I need to file for bankruptcy."

Life happens to everyone. And it can be painful, scary and challenging. 

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My friends and clients call me for comfort and healing when the unthinkable has happened. When they're in more pain than they can bear, I ask them, "Would you be open to saying a prayer? One that elevates your vibration and creates your own space to begin the healing?" People have always said, "Yes" to this invitation.

I ask them to repeat the prayer after me, out loud. And so we begin. One quivering voice echoing after my own.

Love, Light and Peace Prayer.

When we are finished praying, I pause for a moment. I hear sniffling and nose blowing. I ask, "Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes. I don't know where "it" went. That's amazing."

And they can finally get the rest of the story out beyond the lump in their throat, the ball of insecurity in their belly, or the painful ache in their chest.

The Love, Light and Peace prayer, is one of my go-to tools to help clients, friends and myself begin healing after painful life events.

Next time you're breaking into a million little pieces. Stop. Breathe. Recite the Love, Light, and Peace Prayer.

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I learned this prayer from my yoga instructor, Keane at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. My heart swells with gratitude that I learned these words that have, in turn, helped so many others.

You may wish to save this page as a favorite, share it, post it or print it to have this simple prayer handy when you need it.

Recently, I learned this prayer originated with Dr. Joseph Michael Levry at

What do you notice after you say this prayer? I'd love to hear what you feel in the comments below.


Abigail is the creator of the free eCourse, the "Empath Energy Experiment" and the founder of Savvy Holistic Woman. Abigail provides energetic healing support to empath women to heal the bruises on their souls with powerfully-gentle touch and energy-based subconscious emotional release. When Abigail is relaxing, she enjoys perennial flower gardening in upstate New York, snuggling with her kitties, yoga, or a good book.

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