
Hello There!

Please fill out the quick web form below, completely.

During your get-to-know-each-other-session, you'll learn an easy energy-based tool, specific to your needs, to help you find calm or connect with your inner wisdom in the whirlwind of your busy life.

This is your opportunity  to test the waters to see if you're ready,
willing, and if you feel safe with me to begin looking at your subconscious stress

I'm looking forward to gently, co-creating your safe, peaceful, joyful future with you.

With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


  • There are only a few get-to-know-each-other sessions each month for those committed to their healing journey. I'm a giver by nature; I've set limits to respect myself, my health and happiness, while being of service to you. 
  • By submitting this application, you're agreeing to receive occasional emails from Abigail of Savvy Holistic Woman. Don't worry, you can always unsubscribe later. You'll love the blend of practical and woo-woo, life-style and natural health tips to support your happiness and health.
  • Watch your email for instructions on how to schedule your free, one-on-one with Abigail of Savvy Holistic Woman.