Enroll in the

Empath Energy Experiment

A binge-worthy, empath eCourse ~ for free!

Learn how to supercharge your energetic forcefield & make other people's

emotional energy bounce off you in ONE afternoon.

Empath Energy Experiment

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The Empath Energy Experiment Modules

Empath Energy Experiment
Module 1
 Elevate Your eCourse

Helpful hints, tips & Abigail's story.

Empath Energy Experiment
Module 2
 Energy Anatomy 101

Meet your subtle energy systems.

Empath Energy Experiment
Module 3
Energy Hygiene for Empath

It's time to come clean!

Empath Energy Experiment
Module 4
Supercharge Your Forcefield

Become like rubber, not like glue.

Empath Energy Experiment
Module 5
Locating Your Empath On/Off Switch

Choose when to use your gift.

Empath Energy Experiment
Module 6
Help! I'm Under Attack!

You're more powerful than you think.

Empath Energy Experiment
Module 7
How to Cheat at Staying clean

Easy ways to get & stay clear & fresh.

Empath Energy Experiment
Module 8
Bonus Goodies

Extra info & gifts from skilled healers.

The bennies you'll gain from the "Empath Energy Experiment."

  • Gain crazy-cool, skills to prevent getting overwhelmed, drained, or zapped by the emotional energy or physical ailments of the people around you.
  • Upgrade your energetic systems to a sparkly-bright, forcefield mode, which will get stronger with a daily practice.
  • Learn the ancient art and modern superpower of energy clearing and shielding.
  • key
     Supercharge your energy systems and become unfazed by the small stuff that normally would drive you crazy.
  • key
    Boost your boundary confidence by establishing energetic boundaries first.
  • key
    Amplify and nourish your intuition by practicing energy based skills.
  • key
    An invitation to a free FB Group so you can find an accountability partner. (For ladies only.)
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    Bonus gifts from experienced empaths & intuitive healers.
  • key
    With a daily practice, the bennies will last your whole life!

Empath Energy Experiment

Hello Lovely,

I'm Abigail of Savvy Holistic Woman. I needed to learn how to clear and shield desperately.

After I learned how to do this, I  confess, I still didn't understand the importance of having a daily energy practice to wash off other peoples energy and refresh my energetic boundaries for a long time.

I used to absorb so much of other people's energy. Accidentally carrying other peoples "stuff" caused me physical health problems, pain, and rivers of tears.

I know, for an empath that learning to clear and shield can flick a switch from being overwhelmed, exhausted, and distrusting to being rejuvenated, excited and able to love, gulp, real people, not just pets with healthier boundaries.

I spent 2,000 hours and twenty thousand dollars in professional training seeking the wisdom of how to clear and shield emotional energy. I'm giving you the information in this eCourse for free.

My heart will sing with joy if you show your gratitude for the education, time, tech taming, and love I've put into this valuable eCourse.

Please help me, help more people by sharing the "Empath Energy Experiment."

With Infinite Love and Gratitude,

Abigail Thurston


Share the Love

Join the #EmpathEnergyExperiment a #free eCourse for #Empaths. Learn how to clear, shield & supercharge your energy forcefield to make others emotional energy bounce off you. http://bit.ly/2BGBuzJ  

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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions...

Q: How long will it take to finish this eCourse?

A: You can binge watch the entire, "Empath Energy Experiment" in one afternoon, in less than three hours or complete it at your own pace a few minutes at a time.

Q: What's the eCourse format?

A: The Empath Energy Experiment is divided into eight modules. Each module consists of multiple lessons. Some are video format, some are audio. The videos are between two and six minutes. There are three audio interviews that range from fifteen to forty-five minutes.

Q: Are you going to drown me in email?

A: Nope. I don't like email either. I'll email you once a week, for one month. After that you'll hear from me occasionally.

Q: Is this only for women?

A: The eCourse is free to anyone who would like to enroll. The private Facebook, group is only for women. Ladies communicate differently from men.

Q: I signed up but didn't get an email about the eCourse. 

A: Sometimes email service providers put an email from a new sender into your spam, junk, or trash folder. Search the email you used to sign up for an email from Abigail of Savvy Holistic Woman. Usually, its there. Move it to your inbox so you'll get future emails. If you can't find your enrollment email, you can reach out to me here on the contact page of my website. 

Q: What if I don't understand what is being taught?
A: If you have difficulty understanding a lesson, you can post your question in the private Facebook group for women. If you would like one-on-one assistance you can request a free consultation or address this in your next private session with Abigail.

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