She's smart. She's beautiful with long dark, curly hair. Her voice is dusky and soft.  She's married with a toddler and a there's a second baby on the way. She stands up for herself. But, when I first met her, she was falling apart and was in danger of disappearing altogether. This is the story of a woman I'm going to call Phoebe.

 She couldn't swallow food without the terror of ​choking to death. The anxiety had a strangle hold on her throat. She had a doctor and was taking her anti-anxiety medication. She was underweight. The pounds were melting away. Frightened, she couldn't manage to get the food to slide down her throat. 

Why did Phoebe feel like she was going to choke to death if she swallowed her food? She didn't have any idea.

She needed help. She did her research. She knew what she wanted. She took action.

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Being a modern, savvy woman she turned to Google for answers. She knew this was stress related, but how to figure it out and eliminate the stress? She heard about my reputation of helping women to "rewrite the software of their minds and change the printout of their lives." Creating new neural pathways for healing subconscious patterns of stress and dis-ease was exactly what she was seeking.

At her first appointment, we spoke briefly about what was going on with her. Phoebe was shy and I didn't require her to tell her story from the beginning of time.​ Wallowing in your story only creates more story to dig yourself out of.

We talked about what she wanted instead. To be able to eat anything, anywhere, easily. I assessed  her energy and found she was ready and willing to create new beliefs for herself to be able to eat food to sustain her life.

I arranged her arms and legs into a posture her body wanted to integrate her left and right brain hemispheres. She sat quietly for a minute... five minutes... repeating silently her desired belief statement, "I easily swallow my food."

During this "balance" she had thought bubbles arise about why she couldn't eat. I watched the clouds of shadowy emotion cross her face and evaporate. Finally, she opened her eyes. The shift was complete. She felt the peace wash over her body and calm her mind. She smiled for the first time.

I asked her, "Ok, are you ready to go deeper?" She said, "Yes!"

I intuitively pin pointed from the more than three hundred subconscious emotions on my charts to see where she was stuck and creating this scary experience for Phoebe. With each subconscious feeling... longing to be left in peace... suppressed crying... feeling invisible... unsafe... emotionally isolated... we would take a few moments to wipe her slate clean. Like a laser beam we pinpointed when these subconscious feelings became locked into her life as a pattern of behavior that wasn't serving her.

She felt her feelings and breathed as I spoke the words, "Infinite Love and Gratitude," placed color therapy glasses on her nose, waved tuning forks around her auric field, had her hold crystals and sniff essential oils to reprogram her senses and shift her perception around old stories from childhood and past lives.

Phoebe and I met weekly for a couple of months. She peeled back layers of subconscious clutter and began healing... and eating!

Time went by and she would only come for an appointment occasionally... as needed... a change of a season... an upsetting experience in her life to regain balance.

Facing your fears with support can melt them away quickly.

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One day, I received an invitation from her in the mail. Will you come to my wedding? I was honored to be invited and excited for her.

She bravely faced her own darkness and returned to the light.

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When I arrived at the ceremony her Dad greeted me on the steps, taking my two hands into his, "You must be Abigail. You're the only person I don't know personally who is attending the wedding today. Thank you for helping my daughter. You were an oasis in the desert for her. You saved her."

I felt so proud as I recalled all Phoebe had been through to walk down the aisle in a white gown and a smile.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings about Phoebe's story in the comments below.


Abigail is the creator of the free eCourse, the "Empath Energy Experiment" and the founder of Savvy Holistic Woman. Abigail provides energetic healing support to empath women to heal the bruises on their souls with powerfully-gentle touch and energy-based subconscious emotional release. When Abigail is relaxing, she enjoys perennial flower gardening in upstate New York, snuggling with her kitties, yoga, or a good book.

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